Vendredi 25 février 2011

there are several of the young men, too, that she likes very much

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Haggerston has our directions, and all will be completed in a week. They will then join his regiment, unless they are first invited to Longbourn; and I understand from Mrs. Gardiner that my niece is very desirous of seeing you all, before she leaves the South. She is well, and begs to be dutifully remembered to you and her mother. -- Your's, &c. E. GARDINER.'' Mr. Bennet and his daughters saw all the advantages of Wickham's removal from the ----shire as clearly as Mr. Gardiner could do. But Mrs.

Gardiner could do. But Mrs. Bennet was not so well pleased with it. Lydia's being settled in the North, just when she had expected most pleasure and pride in her company -- for she had by no means given up her plan of their residing in Hertfordshire -- was a severe disappointment; and besides, it was such a pity that Lydia should be taken from a regiment where she was acquainted with every body, and had so many favourites. ``She is so fond of Mrs. Forster,'' said she, ``it will be quite shocking to send her away! And there are several of the young men, too, that she likes very much.

The officers may not be so pleasant in General ----'s regiment.'' His daughter's request, for such it might be considered, of being admitted into her family again before she set off for the North, received at first an absolute negative. But Jane and Elizabeth, who agreed in wishing, for the sake of their sister's feelings and consequence, that she should be noticed on her marriage by her parents, urged him so earnestly, yet so rationally and so mildly, to receive her and her husband at Longbourn as soon as they were married, that he was prevailed on to think as they thought, and act as they wished.
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Par wangj04 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 février 2011

The surprise bewilders me

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What! you come back? Is it really you? Is it?' `Yes, Heathcliff,' he replied, glancing from me up to the windows, which reflected a score of glittering moons, but showed no lights from within. `Are they at home? where is she? Nelly, you are not glad! you needn't be so disturbed. Is she here? Speak! I want to have one word with her--your mistress. Go, and say some person from Gimmerton desires to see her.' `How will she take it?' I exclaimed. `What will she do? The surprise bewilders me--it will put her out of her head! And you are Heathcliff! But altered! Nay, there's no comprehending it.

`What will she do? The surprise bewilders me--it will put her out of her head! And you are Heathcliff! But altered! Nay, there's no comprehending it. Have you been for a soldier?' `Go and carry my message,' he interrupted impatiently. `I'm in hell till you do!' He lifted the latch, and I entered; but when I got to the parlour where Mr and Mrs Linton were, I could not persuade myself to proceed. At length, I resolved on making an excuse to ask if they would have the candles lighted, and I opened the door.

They sat together in a window whose lattice lay back against the wall, and displayed, beyond the garden trees and the wild green park, the valley of Gimmerton, with a long line of mist winding nearly to its top (for very soon after you pass the chapel, as you may have noticed, the sough that runs from the marshes joins a beck which follows the bend of the glen). Wuthering Heights rose above this silvery vapour; but our old house was invisible; it rather dips down on the other side. Both the room and its occupants, and the scene they gazed on, looked wondrously peaceful.
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Par wangj04 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 février 2011

I'd go stretch myself over her grave and die like a faithful dog

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His hair and clothes were whitened with snow, and his sharp cannibal teeth, revealed by cold and wrath, gleamed through the dark. `"Isabella, let me in, or I'll make you repent!'' he ``girned'', as Joseph calls it. I cannot commit murder,'' I replied. ``Mr Hindley stands sentinel with a knife and loaded pistol.'' ``Let me in by the kitchen door,'' he said. ``Hindley will be there before you,'' I answered: ``and that's a poor love of yours that cannot bear a shower of snow! We were left at peace on our beds as long as the summer moon shone, but the moment a blast of winter returns, you must run for shelter! Heathcliff, if I were you, I'd go stretch myself over her grave and die like a faithful dog.

The world is surely not worth living in now, is it? You had distinctly impressed on me the idea that Catherine was the whole joy of your life: I can't imagine how you think of surviving her loss.'' ``He's there, is he?'' exclaimed my companion, rushing to the gap. ``If I can get my arm out I can hit him!'' `I'm afraid, Ellen, you'll set me down as really wicked; but you don't know all, so don't judge. I wouldn't have aided or abetted an attempt on even his life for anything. Wish that he were dead, I must; and therefore I was fearfully disappointed, and unnerved by terror for the consequences of my taunting speech, when he flung himself on Earnshaw's weapon and wrenched it from his grasp.

' ``He's there, is he?'' exclaimed my companion, rushing to the gap. ``If I can get my arm out I can hit him!'' `I'm afraid, Ellen, you'll set me down as really wicked; but you don't know all, so don't judge. I wouldn't have aided or abetted an attempt on even his life for anything. Wish that he were dead, I must; and therefore I was fearfully disappointed, and unnerved by terror for the consequences of my taunting speech, when he flung himself on Earnshaw's weapon and wrenched it from his grasp.
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Par wangj04 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 février 2011

he wrote some verses on her, and very pretty they were.

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I fancy she was wanted about the mince pies. For my part, Mr. Bingley, I always keep servants that can do their own work; my daughters are brought up differently. But every body is to judge for themselves, and the Lucases are very good sort of girls, I assure you. It is a pity they are not handsome! Not that I think Charlotte so very plain -- but then she is our particular friend.'' ``She seems a very pleasant young woman,'' said Bingley. ``Oh! dear, yes; -- but you must own she is very plain.

Lady Lucas herself has often said so, and envied me Jane's beauty. I do not like to boast of my own child, but to be sure, Jane -- one does not often see any body better looking. It is what every body says. I do not trust my own partiality. When she was only fifteen, there was a gentleman at my brother Gardiner's in town, so much in love with her, that my sister-in-law was sure he would make her an offer before we came away. But however he did not. Perhaps he thought her too young. However, he wrote some verses on her, and very pretty they were.'

However, he wrote some verses on her, and very pretty they were.'' ``And so ended his affection,'' said Elizabeth impatiently. ``There has been many a one, I fancy, overcome in the same way. I wonder who first discovered the efficacy of poetry in driving away love!'' ``I have been used to consider poetry as the food of love,'' said Darcy. ``Of a fine, stout, healthy love it may. Every thing nourishes what is strong already. But if it be only a slight, thin sort of inclination, I am convinced that one good sonnet will starve it entirely away.'
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Par wangj04 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 février 2011

his thin face and large eyes were wrought into an expression of frantic

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I heard a malignant, crackly laugh by the fire, and turning, beheld that odious Joseph standing rubbing his bony hands, and quivering. ``Aw wer sure he'd sarve ye eht! He's a grand lad! He's getten t' raight sperrit in him! He knaws--Aye, he knaws, as weel as Aw do, who sud be t'maister yonder--Ech, ech, ech! He mad ye skift properly! Ech, ech, ech!'' ``Where must we go?'' I said to my cousin, disregarding the old wretch's mockery. `Linton was white and trembling. He was not pretty then, Ellen: oh no! he looked frightful; for his thin face and large eyes were wrought into an expression of frantic, powerless fury.

He grasped the handle of the door, and shook it: it was fastened inside. ``If you don't let me in I'll kill you!--If you don't let me in, I'll kill you!'' he rather shrieked than said. ``Devil! devil!--I'll kill you--I'll kill you!'' `Joseph uttered his croaking laugh again. ``Thear, that's t' father!'' he cried. ``That's father! We've allas summut uh orther side in us. Niver heed Hareton, lad--dunnut be `feard--he cannot get at thee!'' `I took hold of Linton's hands, and tried to pull him away; but he shrieked so shockingly that I dared not proceed.

Niver heed Hareton, lad--dunnut be `feard--he cannot get at thee!'' `I took hold of Linton's hands, and tried to pull him away; but he shrieked so shockingly that I dared not proceed. At last his cries were choked by a dreadful fit of coughing; blood gushed from his mouth, and he fell on the ground. I ran into the yard, sick with terror; and called for Zillah, as loud as I could. She soon heard me: she was milking the cows in a shed behind the barn, `and hurrying from her work, she inquired what there was to do? I hadn't breath to explain; dragging her in, I looked about for Linton.
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Par wangj04 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 février 2011

being quite spent with the Labour and Fatigue of the Voyage

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However having a fresh Gale, I stretch'd a-cross this Eddy slanting North-west, and in about an Hour came within about a Mile of the Shore, where it being smooth Water, I soon got to Land. When I was on Shore I fell on my Knees and gave God Thanks for my Deliverance, resolving to lay aside all Thoughts of my Deliverance by my Boat, and refreshing my self with such Things as I had, I brought my Boat close to the Shore in a little Cove that I had spy'd under some Trees, and lay'd me down to sleep, being quite spent with the Labour and Fatigue of the Voyage.

I was now at a great Loss which Way to get Home with my Boat, I had run so much Hazard, and knew too much the Case to think of attempting it by the Way I went out, and what might be at the other Side (I mean the West Side) I knew not, nor had I any Mind to run any more Ventures; so I only resolved in the Morning to make my Way Westward along the Shore and to see if there was no Creek where I might lay up my Frigate in Safety, so as to have her again if I wanted her; in about three Mile or thereabout coasting the Shore, I came to a very good Inlet or Bay about a Mile over, which narrowed till it came to a very little Rivulet or Brook, where I found a very convenient Harbour for my Boat and where she lay as if she had been in a little Dock made on Purpose for her.

Here I put in, and having stow'd my Boat very safe, I went on Shore to look about me and see where I was. I soon found I had but a little past by the Place where I had been before, when I travell'd on Foot to that Shore; so taking nothing out of my Boat, but my Gun and my Umbrella, for it was exceeding hot, I began my March: The Way was comfortable enough after such a Voyage as I had been upon, and I reach'd my old Bower in the Evening, where I found every thing standing as I left it; for I always kept it in good Order, being, as I said before, my Country House.
Tags: Australia Louis Vuitton Women's Shoes,Australia Gucci Men's Shoes
Par wangj04 - 0 commentaire(s)le 25 février 2011
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